Thursday, January 21, 2010

Photo Artillery Opening Friday and Gordon Magnin Feature

There's an opening reception for Photo Artillery: In the Realm of the Lenses tomorrow night at Stephen Cohen Gallery:

This exhibition, guest curated by Tulsa Kinney and Paige Wery, Artillery's editor and
publisher respectively, explores sexuality employed by artists using photography-based work.

Among that work and on the flyer below are some amazing collages by local, Gordon Magnin.  I'm definitely going to check this one out.

Friday, Jan. 22,  7-10pm
7358 Beverly Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90036

All images Copyright Gordon Magnin

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Just stumbled upon your blog after searching for a specific quote by Robert Adams for a blog on MY site, I was thrilled to find it because I am both a photographer based in LA, plus my site is an interactive, project-based blog where i highlight artists and exhibitions (reviews, interviews) and "assign" projects to the public based on my features. I'd be happy to link your blog and look forward to continuing to read it. If you get the chance, check mine out and feel free to participate, as I'm always looking for more involvement with the projects.