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I try not to make this blog about my own work, but rather photography in Los Angeles and the left coast and photography issues that interest me (and I hope you) in general. That being said, when something really exciting happens for me, I'll post here and hopefully not bore you all to death.
My work is currently featured in the Spring issue of Artworks Magazine. They chose my photo of the Sheppard Fairy Obama poster for the table of contents, as he is also featured in the issue and then I have a 7 page spread starting on page 57. The only place I know that carries it for certain is Barnes & Noble, so take a look if you're in the store. In the meantime, a PDF that does the actual spread no justice is downloadable here.
The first person to leave a comment below will receive a signed copy in the mail in a few weeks. Just include your address a separate email to me (Sorry, Eric, but you're disqualified. So are Josh and Ryan).
I think Andrew just beat me to this.
@Andrew - Interesting thought. I had some one else who was skeptical of the administration recently say they liked how I obscured it behind the bushes, as if not all was what it seemed.
Damn! I´m late!! Shipping would have been expensive though ;)
Anyway, congrats on your publication .... i see that you are going places, that´s really cool!
Ok, i´m back. I have more time to comment something about the article instead of just the opportunity to get that free issue :)
As a reader from your blog, i like that you also post stuff like this.
My first thought out of the photo is completely opposite to what you write on your comment, i believe it´s more towards - behind the dark moments there is someone rising. Also, i´m more pro Obama so it doesn´t surprise me seeing that.
Anyway, hopefully we can get in touch when you get to Madrid.
@daligt - Yeah, I'm also optimistic too and so that was my intention and the reason it is the last image in the "Back in the Land of the Free" series, although I did put a question mark in parenthesis after it's title, "Hope (?)" because really the future is unknown and the task ahead is quite daunting.
that's great news J. !!
amazing. the whole series looked great in print, congrats.
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